Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New shoes

Much to my surprise, my greatest weakness is cute baby shoes. 

It was bad with Micah, but now that I have a girl I find myself completely giddy over all the insanely adorable shoes out there.  I mean, JUST LOOK AT THESE:

If those don't make your heart go pitter-patter, I don't know that we can ever be friends.

This is despite their ridiculous cost.  To be fair, the shoes I choose are durable.  Micah's old ones are currently on their third child and still look great.  But still, I hardly ever pay $36 for shoes for myself. To pay that much for shoes that will only be worn for a few months...well, I admit it's a sickness. I try my best to limit it to one pair at a time, but a well-made, adorable pair of baby shoes is my kryptonite.

Anyway, these were Aerin's first shoes:

First shoes

First shoes

Oh, I loved them so.  So much that when the dog ate one, I got another pair. (I know. I know.)

Last week I was finally forced to admit they were too small for her to be walking in. It wasn't quite to Chinese-foot-binding levels yet, but they were clearly not right. So on Wednesday we officially exchanged her first shoes for these:

New shoes

By Saturday, she was walking like a pro.

Up and about

For the record, I love these too.


  1. I know exactly how you feel! When you posted the peacock ones on FB I practically cooed with delight. AB has got a collection of little leather ones with the elastic I've gotten second-hand. They pretty much keep her socks on and dirt-free at this point.

    1. Once Annabelle starts walking, I can't recommend the Pedipeds enough. They're cute, flexible, and seem to be really durable (at least for Aerin's current activity level). Also, if the brown ones are still in good shape when Aerin's done with them, do you want to call dibs?

  2. The prices are crazy. I can't tell you how many times I've commented that the kids shoes cost more than my shoes! Wait til Aerin is Sydney's age and you're shopping in the same isles you shop for yourself.
