Saturday, February 28, 2009


Goodbye, February.

I'll be honest, I've never liked you. After last year, I thought maybe our relationship had changed, that perhaps we could learn to like each other, just a little. I thought that maybe you would now be the month when Good Things happen, instead of, you know, the usual suffering and agony. But no, this year, you've sucked as much as ever. More, if possible. And so it is with a smile on my face and a song in my heart, I say NO, SERIOUSLY, GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, FEBRUARY.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I said, GOOD DAY

Things have been crazy, the boy has been sick, and my dinner is finally cooked. I leave you with this:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Man, screw that Groundhog

(but not...literally...oh, okay, uhm that's bad)

The weather here in Alabama is FANTASTIC right now. Yesterday it was 71 degrees and sunny, and today it should be the same. Everything thinks it's spring - flower, trees, animals. Even my tiny brain is pumping out happiness that spring is here, despite knowing that winter is in no way over, and it will probably come a blizzard next week. But look! Birds, flowers, sunshine, whee!

The timing for this little happy spell couldn't be better, seeing as Todd will be leaving for his fourth trip in as many weeks. I won't tell you when he's actually going, because if you were a creepy sort, you might want to stop by the house for some nefarious purpose, and then I'd have to knock you out and let my dogs pee on your head, and really no one wants that. The point is that at some point I'll be back to the single-parent thing and it will suck mightily.

(Although, for this trip he'll be back to Fort Greely, Alaska where the high is expected to be -9 tomorrow, because they're having a warm spell. Maybe I got the better end of the deal after all.)

(70 versus -9 = HAHAHAHAHAHA, BEYOTCH)

Last Monday was exactly one year since I found out I was pregnant. To celebrate that momentous occasion, Micah came down with his first ear infection and spent the next few days clawing at the side of his head and wailing piteously whenever he wasn't being held. I think we're finally over all that, although the Egyptian Death Plague he brought home is still lingering in my lungs. Or maybe that's just the massive snort of pollen I sucked up yesterday afternoon, did I mention it's very spring-like here?

On a totally different note, I just read this article titled, "15 Companies That Might Not Survive 2009," and to my horror KRISPEY KREME is on the list. For the love of God, people, go buy some doughnuts! A world without Hot Nows is not a world worth saving.