Friday, June 4, 2010

Square One

Things that are pretty awesome:

  • Turning on the radio to hear Vanilla Ice, then looking in the backseat and seeing your almost-two-year-old bobbing his head to the music.

  • Teaching the almost-two-year-old to say "Ice Ice Baby."

  • @BpGlobalPR Favorite one so far: "We are very sorry, but due to an increased amount of accidental immolations, all beach volleyball tournaments are now non-smoking. #bpcares"

  • This post by the guy behind BPGlobalPR.

  • This tutorial on booming explaining how to do it right, and how and why all the booming is the gulf is currently WRONG. Warning: Contains approximately 2,037 instances of the f-bomb. It is, however, entirely consistent with actual driller vocabulary. (At least based on my own experience with drillers.)

Things that are not at all awesome:

So, remember that time I said our computer had died and I had no unblocked internet access? Well, since we'd been planning to buy a new computer for a while, we went ahead and ordered a brand new, shiny desktop. It arrived Saturday, and we immediately set it up so I could hop online and screw around on Facebook.

PRIORITIES, people. God.

Shortly after that we got kind of busy with being parents and stuff, and we didn't have a chance to do much else with the computer. And then on Tuesday, lightning struck a power pole outside our house, and phffffttt I have no unblocked internet access.

(Please don't ask me for details on the problem, because I might accidentally hurt myself trying to explain how the thingy that connects the thingum to the whatsit got all not-working and stuff. Look, if you need help with dirt, you call me.)

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