Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Yesterday, Micah began his transition up to the Early Preschool classroom at his daycare. Tomorrow, he'll be completely out of the Toddler room and on to bigger and better things. And so far, he doesn't appear to be handling the situation very well.

My biggest worry for this transition was that he will miss his teachers, and after yesterday, it appears to be right on the money. He's had the same teacher since he started there 15 months ago, and he is very attached to her. In fact, he loves her, which has been huge part of why I'm so comfortable with him going there in the first place. I know it's time for him to move up, but it just hurts my heart to know he's unhappy. He loves Ms. Clark, and I don't know how to make him understand what's going on.

In other news, with the PE exam only ten days away...

< paperbag >


< /paperbag >

...I've finally buckled down to start studying. I'm still pretty resigned to taking it again in October, but now I have a faint hope that at least they won't take one look at my score and blacklist me from ever becoming a PE. Basically if the problem is based on something I've actually done in my career, then it's coming back surprisingly well. If it's not something I've ever done...well, let's just hope the exam leans strongly towards soils, groundwater wells, and simple shallow foundations, hmmkay?

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