Monday, November 2, 2009

People say we monkey around

On days like this, I'm torn between sympathy for daycare teachers everywhere, and a bubbling, maniacal glee that I'm not the one who has to deal with my child melting down over the time change. Can you imagine a more stressful job than managing a bunch of cranky toddlers whose nap and eating schedules have just been blown to hell, all because some dude 90 years ago decided it would be fun to screw with the entire country twice a year? No, I'll gladly sub that experience out, kthxbai.

My boys

Halloween was a lot of fun. My sister and her family came over, so we all went out trick-or-treating in our neighborhood together. Micah's still too young to really get it, but he's old enough to wear an adorable costume and ride on his dad's shoulders. The curly monkey tail hanging down Todd's back was the best part. I took a bunch of pictures, but I don't have any of Micah perched six feet up, hanging on to his dad's hair for dear life. He had fun sitting up there, but I'm pretty sure Todd is now several degrees balder.

Little Monkey

Saturday afternoon, we took Micah to his second hockey game to watch UAH play Bemidji State. His first one was last year, when he was still a tiny baby. He was completely freaked out by all the noise, so we skipped the rest of the season. Now that he's older, he was fascinated by it all - the pep band, the players on the ice, the cheers - at least at first. Towards the end, he veered into "hungry tired angry velociraptor" territory, and I spent the last few minutes of the game trying to keep him from furiously crawling through 20 years of accumulated spilled cola residue. Still, it was a success! His cousin Daniel had a good time too, dancing along with the pep band, repeating cheers he probably shouldn't have heard at the tender age of 4 years, and running up and down the stands. Too bad so few games are scheduled in the afternoon. A few more like that, and we'll have both kids trained up as properly bloodthirsty hockey fans. What makes the ice melt? Blood blood blood! STAB HIM WITH YOUR SKATE!

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