Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Day So Far

6:00 AM - Wake up to massive thunderstorm and downpour

6:18 AM - Receive notice the daycare is delayed until 9:30 due to severe weather

7:45 AM - Drop Todd off for his epidural for his herniated disc

8:15 AM - Arrive at office with toddler and various things to occupy him in tow

9:05 AM - Receive call that Todd's almost out of recovery and ready to be picked up

9:30 AM - Pick Todd up from clinic

9:45 AM - Drop Micah off at daycare; learn that daycare is closing at 2 PM, at the latest

10:00 AM - Drop Todd off at house

10:30 AM - Arrive back at work to attempt engineering

11:30 AM - Pick child back up from daycare, ahead of (the second or third?) apocalyptic storm

11:40 AM - Huddle in basement at work with toddler and coworkers; heavily question the quality of construction of our office building

12:15 PM - WE'RE STILL ALIVE; creep back upstairs

12:30 PM - Storm's over; Todd is fighting to drive back into town through the storm damage around our house

1:30 PM - Put Micah down for a nap in the copy room across from my office; Todd arrives

2:30 PM - The next line of storms is on its way, and we're not sure if we should attempt what will probably be an hour-plus commute thanks to storm damage, or just ride it out here. We decide to head back to our house where my sister's family is waiting, since their power's out.  Not sure if we'll make it before all hell breaks loose again, but we're going to try.


We made it home right before the next storms started in.  At 4:30, an insanely large tornado passed within a quarter-mile of our house and wiped out half of our town.

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