Sunday, March 3, 2013

Welp, it's definitely March

We got our usual March 1st to 3rd dusting of snow again this weekend.

March 2 Dusting

I much prefer it over, say, the surprise tornado we got last year. Let's not do that ever again, mmkay?

Off and on all day

We haven't had enough snow to make a proper snowman since the 2011 Snowpocalypse, so Micah has taken to making Snow Babies instead. Yesterday, he spent the morning building this one from snow collected off Todd's car.

Micah's Snow Baby

Complete with a (teeny tiny) carrot nose.

Micah's Snow Baby

It pretty much flurried off and on all day long, and we woke up today with another dusting of snow. Just enough to look nice, but not enough to last past 9 AM.

Every year about this time, I get the overwhelming urge to make paper flowers. In 2011, it was cardstock daisies. Last year, it was tiny crepe paper things.


This year, it's whatever these are.

It's that time of year...

I have this persistent fantasy every year that I'll make enough to do something with them. A nice garland or decoration of some sort, the kind of crap you see all over Pinterest, you know?

That never actually happens. They end up collecting dust in a crystal bowl in the china cabinet on top of the previous year's obsession. It's just my way of coping with the last few weeks of winter (and this year, of recovering from the norovirus from hell).

Spring will be here to stay by the end of the week. And 2.5 seconds later, it will be summer and approximately 100 billion degrees and I'll be dreaming of the time when I could go outside and not stick to everything. Turn turn turn.