Friday, November 9, 2012

Yakety yak

So here's something I've been quietly worrying about. 

Aerin doesn't talk much. Right now she is 16 months old and has a total of about six words. She only uses three of those reguarly: dada, bubble, and ball.  She's very vocal, but she just doesn't make many different sounds.

By contrast, Micah had at least three times the number of words at 16 months and he used them all constantly. And they were words like bellybutton, tractor, water, and spoon. Stuff well beyond dada and baba and bah.

I know that every kid develops differently.  I know that Aerin is still in the range of "normal."  I'm happy she's talking at least some.  I don't think she's delayed or having any special difficulty.  Second child, etc etc etc.

But I can't help but worry a little bit.

(Although, since Aerin's bidding fair to catch up to Micah in both weight and height, maybe being faster to talk will one day make up for the injustice of him being beaten up by his baby sister.)


  1. Babies who are mobile early tend to talk late. So do second children, especially when #1 is highly verbal. The little one doesn't have to talk to get what they want/can't get a word in edgewise. She'll be fine.

  2. Your great grandmother claimed PaBear didn't talk at all until he was two and a half. She would hear him practicing by himself in his crib, but he steadfastly refused to talk to her. He talks pretty well now, but he is still stubborn. It's a family trait.

