Friday, January 13, 2012

6 Months

Weight: 17 pounds

Height: 28.5 inches (above the 99th percentile, folks, while Micah holds steady in the 50th)

Head Circumference: 42.5 cm

As of December 21, Aerin is six months old. Today, she's been with us for 206 days. The time is sliding by faster than I can keep up. One minute I was holding a wrinkled, sleepy newborn, the next a happy little roly-poly howler monkey. Some days I feel just completely bewildered by the whole thing.

Round about the middle of December, Aerin sprouted her two bottom teeth. This was followed by several days of misery as they finished cutting through, but now she's back to all smiles. She's also started biting when she nurses. She keeps it up, I guarantee baby's first word will be "SONOFABITCHowowowletgoletgoletgoGETITOFF."

Last Wednesday morning, I decided to try her on some cereal again. Unlike a month ago, this time she practically climbed up out of the seat trying to get to the spoon. Since then, she's been wolfing down two to three solid meals each day. So far we've tried rice, oatmeal, bananas, sweet potatoes, carrots, cinnamon, and prunes. I'm pretty sure she packed on another couple pounds in just the last week. My back says so anyway.

At Christmas and New Year's, Aerin was sitting propped up in corner of the sofa. The next Tuesday, she started sitting up unsupported at daycare. By Saturday, this was happening:

Sitting up LIKE A BOSS

She still doesn't roll over, but she's done with lying down anyway. The play gym is no longer acceptable entertainment. She wants to be UP and DOING. Micah has recently learned several important lessons on putting down treasured items within the baby's reach. And girl can snag an unattended cell phone, remote control, or baby monitor in the blink of an eye.

She's still sleeping through the night. I'm almost afraid to put that out there, but it's true. Since six weeks, she's slept nearly every night from 9:30 until 6 or 7. In the last three days, we've managed to get her down by 8:45 each night; I go in at 7 AM and wake her up. I freely admit this is NOT due to anything we did or didn't do. I'm sure if she was my first baby, I'd be obnoxiously smug about it, but she's not and I know better. She sleeps because she is an awesome baby. Period. I also freely acknowledge it could change at any moment. The baby giveth and she taketh away.

Okay, this one is at 5 months old, but look! Drooly smiles!

Half a year old. Rock on, little girl.

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