Thursday, May 6, 2010


The deposition for that environmental lawsuit my former company is caught up in was yesterday. It was supposed to be a corporate deposition, at which I was representing said former company, so I spent most of the last month and all of the last week trying to review nine years worth of documents, studies, analytical data, regulations, and field notes. I've been stressed pretty much to my breaking point, trying to remember dates and data and who did what when. I was starting to lie awake at night, going over events in my head. All my dreams were about lawyers and questions and whether or not I was going to remember to wear pants.

(I did.)

According to the many lawyers present yesterday (at least the ones not trying to sue everyone in sight), I did not look like an idiot, I answered the questions very well, and I represented my company very well. This despite the fact that the plaintiff's lawyers were...not the least bit interested in playing by the rules. I think that's all I should say about that.

(Also, I look pretty good in a suit. Who knew?)

After weeks and weeks of worry and stress, I am so relieved I didn't screw up and IT'S EFFING OVER. If I hadn't had mandatory safety training today, I think I would have stayed home and taken a celebratory 8-hour nap.

Anywho, that crap has been a major time suck lately, but I'm finally a free woman again. Now maybe I can get back to the things I enjoy. Like this kid:

The Truck Book: Still Made of Magic

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