Monday, December 29, 2008

Time flies

I can't believe it's already the end of December. Christmas blew by so fast I barely noticed. I guess I was preoccupied with going back to work and sorting out all the logistics of being a working mom. That, and we're sort of chronically exhausted these days. We managed to decorate, but most of our holiday traditions were either put off to the last minute or skipped entirely. It never really felt like Christmas, and I'm kind of bummed about that.

For the holiday itself, we traveled to visit Todd's family in Alpharetta. Then we drove up to visit his dad in Knoxville, where we managed to squeeze in a side trip to see my grandparents and several aunts, uncles, and cousins in Kingston. All together, it was kind of a whirlwind trip, and although I know we spent a lot of time happily sitting around eating and talking, my memory is mostly a mix of interstates and staggering around unfamiliar rooms in the middle of the night to feed and change a baby. In other words, I'm pooped.

This morning we took Micah by his new daycare. Tomorrow we'll actually leave him there for a few hours, and Monday he'll start full-time. It's a wonderful daycare, and I know he'll be fine, but it's not at all how I or my sister would take care of him, and I'm trying very hard not to worry. So there's that.

Oh yeah, and work. Of which I've been doing very little today. Blarh.

But hey, on the bright side, Todd got me a very nice flash for my camera, and I kind of want to make out with it every time I take a picture because DAMN it kicks the ass of the on-camera flash. Seriously, just thinking about it makes me deliriously happy. That in and of itself makes Todd significantly awesome. But the fact that he bought me a flash knowing it would encourage me to take even more pictures, many of which he will certainly be the victim subject, despite his intense dislike of having his picture taken...well, that just makes him even more of a wonderful husband.

Since it's been a while, I suppose I'll close with a Micah update. He is now sleeping like an angel at night, only waking up once to eat. He naps fairly well during the day. The days of screaming for hours on end are DONE. He still has his Arsenic Hour from about 6 PM to 7 PM, but the rest of the time he is happy to play in his gym, sit in his swing, or hang out in someone's lap. He is all smiles and giggles, and I swear I never knew before how addictive a baby's laugh could be. I'll do anything for one of his smiles, and his laughter makes my heart expand until I can't even breathe for joy. Not so long ago, I was afraid I'd never feel what I thought I should for my child. Now, suddenly, I'm there. And it is so amazingly good.

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