So the 23rd of May was the LAST DAY of kindergarten (which also happened to be Pajama Day).
It's been a good school year, and Micah has learned so much. He can sound out words and write his own sentences (the phonetic spelling is always hilarious and adorable). He's happy to have chapter books read to him at night before bed, and right now we're making our way through The Saturdays. He loves math and drawing, and his skills have taken off in both. He makes clever paper projects, my favorite of which was a little 3D playground for bugs, complete with swing set.
The one complaint Micah had all year was how little play time he got. He was jealous of his best friend, who stayed behind in Pre-K, because "they get to play ALL DAY," while the kindergarten class had to work. The end of daily nap time was also a hard adjustment. But for all that, Micah was happy (if exhausted) most every day.
After talking with his teacher, we've decided to continue on to private first grade, rather than have him repeat kindergarten at the public school. Next year, he'll be back in the same classroom, with the same teacher, but this time he'll be one of the big kids. Some of his friends will move on to other schools, some will stay, and there will be a while new crop of kindergarteners.
Micah was very sad to leave his teacher and friends, until I pointed out that most of his friends were enrolled in the same Summer Camp, and his teacher was the one running his camp group. After that, he was just excited to be done with work. Yay, summer!
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