Friday, September 21, 2012

Airplane Party

I don't know what happened. One minute I was all, "aw, get on outta here with that Martha Stewart crap" and the next I was feverishly browing Pinterest and cheerfully chirping to my husband about scrapbook paper and spray paint.  I think it's the eyelashes.  When Micah blinked up at me through them and said, "Mommy, I want a pwane party," the practical part of my brain sort of dissolved into a puddle of goo.

This an old photo, but you get the idea.  EYELASHES FOR MILES.

I mean, come on. Do you see those things? You'd fall for it too.

Instead of "sure, maybe" the words that left my mouth were, "Okay, baby, we'll do that." And so we did.

I wanted to keep it simple and fairly cheap, and something we could put together in our limited free time. I didn't want it to be too fussy, but I wanted to go with the airplane theme. And most of all, I wanted the kids to have something to do OUTSIDE.

We spent the preceding week assembling all the various bits and pieces in the evenings. For a while there, it felt like every night was arts and crafts night in our house. We were either cutting, painting, taping, or gluing SOMETHING. But I think it was worth it, because Micah had a blast.

I had so much fun making these invitations

Black plastic tablecloth + white tape = RUNWAY!

Partial setup in the kitchen

This is basically jet fuel for kids

This was the one I idea I came up with all by myself, and it turned out perfectly.

The kids got to decorate their wings with tape and markers.

Just so you know, old diaper boxes make GREAT plane wings for kids.

Pin the Propellor was not a huge hit with the 3-4 crowd


Party Favors

Excited Boy

Sunday night, as I was bathing Micah, he told me, "Mommy, I wish we could have my party EVERY weekend."

You can't ask for a better endorsement than that.


  1. This rocks so much I can hardly stand it. Charlie is SO jealous.

    1. Haha! I'm happy to pass on the runways and inflatable planes, but I don't think the cardboard wings will fit him. ;-)
