Friday, September 6, 2013

Dress from Grandmama

I am now thouroughly buried in preparing for Micah's birthday party next weekend and the stormwater conference a coworker and I are planning for October. The birthday party has somehow morphed into something with a lot more people than I had initally planned, so I'm scrambling a bit. The conference is something we've never done before, and we're inviting people from ten different cities, two counties, ADEM, ALDOT, and whole host of citizen groups. I'm a little stressed, is what I'm saying.

In all the confusion, I realized I forgot to post these pictures from a while back. My mother made Aerin a beautiful dress, and I wanted to show it off a bit. I didn't manage to get any good pictures of the details, but the fabric has just a simple little pattern of scattered white flowers and it has a little pocket with just a touch of lace. I also love how the hem turned out. It's pretty and girly, without being too frilly. The perfect little dress!

Dress from Grandmama

Dress from Grandmama
