After a day and a half of non-stop whining, defiance, and desperate Internet searches for choloroform distributors, we decided everyone would benefit from some time outside in the sun. Apparently the neighbors felt the same way, because it wasn't long before their kids showed up to play too.
I loathe Alabama in the summer, but I admit, our winters do have their perks.
The 4-wheeler belongs to the two little boys next door, but they've pretty much outgrown it. These days, they just keep it charged for Aerin. She loves the thing, and finds new ways to endanger herself every time she's on it, whether by climbing a curb, or running into a mailbox, or sitting on it backwards. Naturally, the one day I decide she can skip the helmet is the day she decides to go all "Look, Ma! No feet!"
It's been a rough couple of weeks, what with a toddler who appears to be working on her two-year molars and a four-year-old who appears to be working on his 15-year attitude. We're surviving, but man...I'm ready for Spring.