Much to my surprise, my greatest weakness is cute baby shoes.
It was bad with Micah, but now that I have a girl I find myself completely giddy over all the insanely adorable shoes out there. I mean, JUST LOOK AT THESE:
If those don't make your heart go pitter-patter, I don't know that we can ever be friends.
This is despite their ridiculous cost. To be fair, the shoes I choose are durable. Micah's old ones are currently on their third child and still look great. But still, I hardly ever pay $36 for shoes for myself. To pay that much for shoes that will only be worn for a few months...well, I admit it's a sickness. I try my best to limit it to one pair at a time, but a well-made, adorable pair of baby shoes is my kryptonite.
Anyway, these were Aerin's first shoes:
Oh, I loved them so. So much that when the dog ate one, I got another pair. (I know. I
Last week I was finally forced to admit they were too small for her to be walking in. It wasn't quite to Chinese-foot-binding levels yet, but they were clearly not right. So on Wednesday we officially exchanged her first shoes for these:
By Saturday, she was walking like a pro.
For the record, I love these too.