I went back to work on October 3rd. Could you tell?
In order to properly celebrate turning 30, I started my baby in daycare and returned to my job. They were obviously relieved to see me, if relief can be measured by the sheer amount of crap they immediately piled on my plate (four BMP plans, three SPCC plans, two WM plans, an MS4 permit, a meeting with ADEM in Gadsden, and a partridge in a pear tree). I had enough hoarded projects to keep me busy for the next three months, but they all ended up being due last week and this coming week. Because of course they were.
I'm still adjusting to the schedule of pumping, going over to feed Aerin, and still working a full 8-hour day. I'd forgotten how much time pumping at work actually takes. Once you wash your hands, sit down, unpack and hook up everything, pump, pack up the milk, and wash everything, you're in for a good 30 minutes. Throw in a trip to the daycare, and you're already down two hours that have to be made up later. It's hard to keep up and it's hard to take a break from working just as you're hitting your stride.
To complicate things even more, after a year and a half of muttering about it, I've finally gone part-time. I'm only supposed to be in the office three days each week: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I say supposed to because my second week back, I worked every day just to get finished. That also happened to be the same week Todd went and LEFT TOWN for a business trip. Because of course it was scheduled for my second week back, WHY NOT? Thank god Linda was able to stay with us, because otherwise, I'd have given up that first night.
So far, when I actually stick to it, the part-time deal is working mostly as intended. It will work better once I'm no longer pumping or going to the daycare to nurse, but hey. It's a system that's still evolving. I've been able to do the grocery shopping and laundry and some cleaning during the week, so our last few weekends have been less shit-tastic on the domestic front. We've been able to spend time with kids, instead of dragging them through various stores and chores, so that's a good thing.
And look! Today they're both asleep at the same time! If I skip my shower, I might be able to finish this post, check my email, write some thank you notes, AND maybe upload some pictures. Dude, it's like a little vacation. A vacation where you've forgotten your shampoo and your razor.
Pictures-I've-been-hoarding time!