Monday, May 30, 2011

Last weekend in Chattanooga

My last trip out of town before the new baby arrives was a quick jaunt to Chattanooga, TN to meet up with Todd's family. While we were in town, we stopped by the Creative Discovery Museum, splashed in front of the Aquarium, and found an alternative form of transportation to the hotel.


In the bubble

Better than walking

It's hard to tell in the last picture, but poor Micah was wearing only the change of pants I had in the diaper bag.  I didn't have a shirt for him, and thought he'd be fine in just his shorts on the ride back.  But he was totally freaked out the whole time.  Poor guy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Living the dream

(Or, "How to Blow a Truck-Obsessed Toddler's Mind")

Yesterday, Mr. Warren let Micah ride in his track loader while he filled a dump truck with debris from the lots next door.

Micah, living the dream

Loader + dump truck FTW

I'm pretty sure it will be a long, long time before ANYTHING tops that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

33 Weeks

We haven't done the belly shot thing with this pregnancy. I'm not really sure why, except that I was afraid it would somehow jinx it. But today, I figured I ought to document the routundness.

33 Weeks

It's hard to tell in that shirt, but let me assure you, it is VERY round and VERY squirmy.

(And seeing as how it was around this time with Micah that I went into pre-term labor, I'm really REALLY glad this kid is still in there.)