Monday, March 29, 2010
So much fun
On Sunday, our friends' daughter turned 1. To celebrate, they had a big birthday party at the Little Gym.
This was Micah's first time at the Little Gym, and he had a blast. He loved all the blocks and ramps, and several times climbed up onto the 4-foot-high balance beam all by himself while our backs were turned. The catchable bubbles and all the different balls scattered around were a big hit too.
Micah enjoyed the cake and ice cream of course, but I think we could have left him in the gym and he wouldn't have cared. Between the parachute, the bubbles, and all the stuff to climb on, I'm pretty sure he thought he was in toddler heaven. Poor Todd spent most of the party keeping our child's skull unfractured, although he did get to play with the parachute while Micah ran around everyone shrieking with happiness.
And me? I got to spend a whole hour and a half snapping pictures of my friends and their adorable daughter having a blast and celebrating a major milestone. I honestly can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Note the implements of torture to his right
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Warm afternoon
Still, even though it's been gray, rainy, and cold all week, there are small signs of Spring everywhere. It's just been too miserable to get out with a camera and go looking for them.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
New toy!
In the meantime, I've been having a blast playing with this site that converts pictures to "old pictures."
Come on, you know you want to try it.
Friday, March 12, 2010
The baby was a triploid pregnancy; 69 chromosomes instead of 46. Also, thanks to all that extra genetic material, it might have been a partial molar pregnancy, meaning I get to spend the next six months to a year being jabbed every month to watch my HCG levels. Doc believes in erring on the side of caution. This also means that for the next six months to a year, it would be profoundly stupid to get knocked up. You know, if we decided we wanted to roll the dice again any time soon. On the upside, I won't have an excuse to lay out of the October PE exam.
So, this whole painful episode was just another relatively rare and random event. Nothing I did or didn't do, nothing wrong with me or Todd. It was just our day in the barrel. Again.
Unfair? You bet. Also unfair? That lottery ticket we bought, feeling like the universe owed us another big statistical improbability? Yeah, still not filthy rich.
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Truck Book is made of magic
During our visit to Atlanta, Todd's mother gave Micah an old book of Todd's. The Truck Book has pictures of all kinds of trucks and construction equipment, along with descriptions of what the different trucks do. Micah spent most of Saturday morning going from person to person, asking them to read him the book over and over and over. I handed it back to him during the 4-hour drive home yesterday, and he spent over 30 minutes paging through it, "reading" it aloud, commenting on the pictures, and making the sound effects.
The Truck Book from Sarah Y. on Vimeo.
The child LOVES dump trucks, and he's a big fan of "tractors," meaning any piece of yellow construction equipment. I can't help but wonder if it's a result of all the construction sites he was exposed to in utero. Or maybe it's just a Y chromosome thing?
Friday, March 5, 2010
Now I will feed him chicken for every meal
Wednesday, Todd called me from his car just after picking Micah up from daycare.
"Listen to this. Micah, what did you have for lunch today?"
In the background I hear this little voice pipe up: "Bawk-bawk!"
Apparently, they had chicken for lunch that day. Bawk-bawk. I pretty much died right there on the spot, because COME ON. Bawk-bawk.
If you can't appreciate the cuteness via transcript, I managed to get a video of him saying it after they got home.
Chickens, owls, and dogs, oh my from Sarah Y. on Vimeo.
Please ignore the unpacked boxes in the background. We've taken the approach that if we're just going to move again in June, what's the point of unpacking anything we aren't actually using right this second?
Oh, and speaking of moving in June, they're still making progress on the house, but it's a little slower due to stuff like this:
Man, I can't wait for spring.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
One (of many) my boss never needs to read
Let's be honest. I don't care about work right now. I don't care about this client's permit or that client's report. I'm not interested in reading gobs of regulations to prepare a proposal. I feel a slight panic when I think about studying for the PE, but I don't really care about that either, even though I know I'll regret it in April. I should at least be using my time to study for the deposition that was recently moved up to March 16th, but guess what? I don't particularly give a shit.
I said before that it's harder this second time. That was at the beginning, in the immediate aftermath. Now I'm starting to realize just how difficult the next few weeks and months really could be. It's only been a week, I know, but I feel so much more beaten down than the first time. I haven't had time to work through the things I need to. I haven't had the space to sort out how I feel or to come to terms with it. I took my three days off, and now I'm supposed to be the good little productive engineer, but I just can't do it this time.